How to answer KBAT question in Science PT3
Students can use below steps to answering KBAT @ HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill):
Understand and analyst the problem
Planning the solution strategy
5 Tips To Prepare For Your Exams
Your big final examinations are here! Are you ready? Better eat some raisins to help those brain of yours to remember easily. You know...
Bagaimana menjawab Soalan KBAT Sains UPSR
Untuk menjawab soalan berbentuk KBAT (Kemahiran Aras Tinggi) pelajar bolehlah menggunakan cara berikut:
Memahami dan mentafsirkan masalah
Merancang strategi penyelesaian
Melaksanakan strategi
Menyemak semula...