Preparations For Exams!

Exams! Exams! Exams! Even life is also considered as exams! Either we’re going to hell or heaven. Look how big deal exams is! These exams are important whether to test us where we will be heading in our future....
Kebanyakkan pelajar merasakan waktu rehat di sekolah hendaklah dihabiskan dengan makan sambil bersembang atau pun mengusik rakan-rakan. Jika anda merupakan pelajar yang mementingkan masa, pasti anda rasakan dengan melakukan perkara tersebut seebnarnya anda telah membuang masa begitu sahaja! Mari...
Love them or hate them, there’s no getting away from them… The Class Joker - This is the one always up for a laugh, and if nothing in the classroom is even slightly amusing, this person will make it...